Have you, or has someone you know, been hurt or harmed by anyone involved in the Church? We recognise that abuse can take place in any setting and as such, have provided contact details for several external agencies who may be able to offer help and support.
As part of the Church of England, we recognise that the Church has sometimes failed to keep people safe in the way that everyone deserves, and the Gospel requires. In our Diocese we are passionate about learning from past failures to make the necessary changes, so that we do everything we possibly can to keep people safe and respond well when things go wrong.
We urge and welcome anyone to give information or make a disclosure regarding church-related abuse. However, people with a lived experience of abuse within the church may choose to seek help and support from agencies that are independent to our Diocese.
Read the ‘Responding well to victims and survivors of abuse‘ leaflet from the Church of England. This guide is designed for victims and survivors of church-based abuse, but we recognise that abuse can take place in any setting.
Contact details of agencies that are available to assist either on a 24-hour basis or through specialist helplines and services:
Safe Spaces
A free and independent service supporting survivors of church-related abuse delivered by the service providers, First Light.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 9pm, Saturday 9am – 1pm, Sunday 1 – 5pm
A member of the Safe Spaces team will make contact within 48 hours of making a contact request or referral.

IDAS – Building Hope
Have you, or someone you know, been hurt or harmed by anyone who is, or was connected to the church? You can get help and advice via an independent advocacy and support service.
Church of England Interim Support Scheme
Offering immediate help and support to survivors whose life circumstances are significantly affected by the abuse suffered, and the response to it.
Supports women and men who have been sexually abused, as children or adults, by ministers, clergy or others under the guise of the Church.
Survivors Voices
A survivor-led organisation that runs peer support groups for victim-survivors of all kinds of abuse, including faith-based abuse. It has a newsletter and other special events for survivors of abuse experienced in churches and other faith-based communities.